Merino Wool 101: What It Is and Why You'll Love It

Merino Wool 101: What It Is and Why You'll Love It


Merino wool is a far cry from the itchy woollen Christmas presents you were given by your great aunt as a child.

What is merino wool?

Introduced to Australia in the late 1700s, merino sheep produce wool with fibres which are soft, lightweight, strong, and durable. Additionally, the hypoallergenic, moisture-wicking properties of the thread make merino wool the perfect year-round textile; insulating your body heat while allowing your skin to breathe.

What are the benefits of merino wool?

Aside from its soft, luxurious texture, there are many other benefits of merino wool compared to traditional wool or synthetic fibres.

Easy care

Even after repeated use and washes, merino wool remains wrinkle-resistant, making a merino wool wrap or merino scarf the perfect travel companion for chic, effortless styling.


Being non-allergenic, merino wool is perfect for infants, with a merino wool baby blanket keeping your little one warm and snuggly without irritating their delicate skin.

Strong and durable

The structure of a single merino wool fibre is layered to produce a textile that’s stronger than cotton, retains its shape after washing, and is fire resistant.


All our sheep need is grass, air, water, and sunlight to thrive happily and produce a healthy fleece up to twice a year


At Modern Merino, we pride ourselves on producing the highest-quality merino wool products while maintaining a commitment to sustainable farming practices, and a deep respect for the land, our animals, and the environment.

The high-quality difference of merino wool

Our super fine micron merino wool offers a softness and luxury that sets it apart from other textiles – yet it has strength and durability that makes it ideal for everyday use. Whether it’s a merino wool throw blanket, wrap, scarf, or baby blanket, this high-quality fibre will continue to hold a special place in your home, and your heart, for years to come.

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