
Woolmark Beyond the Bale June 2023

Modern Merino: Wool Grown Alongside Native Flora and Fauna

Modern Merino is a family owned and operated brand that last year launched a range of luxury products made from superfine wool grown on the Atkinson family's own property in South Australia

Beyond the Bale Article

Stock Journal March 10, 2023

Atkinson family aims high with Modern Merino wool brand

A desire to follow the journey of their own wool - from sheep back to garment - has led to an Adelaide Hills family developing their own wool brand - Modern Merino.

Stock Journal Article

RM Williams Outback December/January 2022

With the recent completion of a 3km long cat fence, rich birdlife is returning to eastern Kangaroo Island, SA.

Even before officials symbolically locked the gate on Kangaroo Island’s completed feral cat fence in October, Dudley Peninsula grazier Peter Atkinson observed a welcome difference. “We could hear different bird calls because the number of cats is down,” Peter says. “There were so many baby plovers running around and black swans with cygnets appearing on dams where they have never been seen before.”

Excerpt from the story

Stock Journal December 31, 2020

Atkinsons take on wool focus

WITH flock numbers at a level they are happy with, Adelaide Hills graziers Chris and Tarlee Atkinson plan to stop breeding crossbred lambs next year to focus on wool quality.

Stock Journal Article

Humane Society International July 2020

Towards a Non-Mulesed Future

The Atkinsons run a self-replacing flock of non-mulesed Merinos with an emphasis on good animal
welfare and at the same time caring for the

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ABC News June 14, 2020

Thousands of trees planted to restore bushfire-affected land in the Adelaide Hills | ABC News

More than 75 fire-affected properties are taking part in the project, which is being lauded as a win for the environment and landholders alike.

Sara Tomevska reports.

News report

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