Did you know that every time you choose a Modern Merino wool scarf, Merino baby blanket or Merino wool throw blanket over a synthetic fibre, you're helping Mother Nature out?
Why are synthetics bad?
Synthetic textiles shed micro-plastics, which are tiny plastic particles. Washing these sorts of garments even in your home washing machine leads to fibres of plastic coming off the garment and down your drain without you even knowing. Significant amounts of plastic fibre have been found in studies. Both in sediment in the ocean and in open water. The most common fibres found are polyester, polyethylene, acrylic and elastane.
Surely plastic bags and bottles are a bigger problem?
Yes, plastic bags and other rubbish are also a major issue. You may also be surprised to know that synthetic textiles are the source of 35% of the world's primary microplastics.
How do micro-plastics harm the environment?
Synthetics such as Nylon are not only non-biodegradable and unsustainable. The production of nylon emits nitrous oxide which is 300 times more dangerous to the ozone layer than carbon dioxide. Seabirds have been found dead because they have eaten synthetic fibres they thought were food. The toxins found in plastics have also been found in fish. A scary fact is that the toxins can accumulate in larger animals (such as humans) that eat these fish.
Why is Modern Merino a better choice?
When you buy a Modern Merino wool scarf, Merino baby blanket or Merino wool throw blanket, you can rest assured that if it ends up in the ocean, it will naturally biodegrade. Our products are sustainable, as they don't require the processing needed for synthetic materials. You just need sheep and grass for them to eat. It doesn't get any more natural than that. We also ensure that our packaging is free of plastic, even the postage bags are biodegradable! So, join our fight and treat yourself to one of our nature-loving products.